Just Because You Can Hide It...

I hear it all the time... "I just can't spend money on myself."
It's really typical among the women I serve. They're highly capable, so they've been able to push it all down. They're empathic, so they're always able to tap into someone who needs it more. They're the rock everyone leans on, but they have a hard time receiving care.
Then this thing occurred to me.... (probably because I've been this very woman)....
I've bought things for my kids so they didn't feel left out I've purchased expensive phones because they were a cultural norm I've colored my hair, updated clothing and even spent money on the appearance of my home I've even paid for repairs on my car that were "cosmetic"
Most of the women who tell me they can't spend time or money on themselves might really be saying that it's hard to invest in the things that no one sees...
the things that they carry deep inside that they've been able to hide from others.
They're usually pretty strong, intelligent and capable women. They wear a smile and are somehow even able to keep up appearances through some pretty tough times.
But here's the thing. The phone, house, car, vacation and all the trappings of a beautiful life will be difficult to enjoy if your body and mind are stuck in perpetual stress.
Just because it can be hidden doesn't mean it's not doing damage. Stress impacts auto-immunity, cholesteral, blood pressure, chronic pain and SO. MUCH. MORE.
Neurological, occupational and relational damage are all results of chronic stress/overwhelm.
Just because you can force it down, doesn't mean you should.
I'm passionate about helping people live in emotional freedom, because that's what's aligned with truth.
Stress is THE leading cause of premature death and disease.
So, truly, value what's going on inside.
There's no better investment than taking care of what does on in your mind, body and soul! It's what makes you YOU.
YOU. HAVE. VALUE. Steward it well!
Rochelle |